INTO THE UNKNOWN© - Opticon 25

by Jaylee Balch | THE OPTICON

The content of any Opticon is the property of Jaylee Balch: Inpowered Living. The contents may not be shared, copied, uploaded, recorded or sold in any form whatsoever – without the express permission of the owner. 


Discussion A

by Jaylee Balch | Opticon 25

Discussion B

by Jaylee Balch | Opticon 25


by Jaylee Balch | Opticon 25

OPT 25 Pathway©

by Paul G. Balch | Opticon 25

Feedback: That is what you receive when you call into the present, a topic called The unknown. Off to a rocky start with the audio but it all sorted itself out! JB

You are NOT your Altered Ego!


But the fact that you believe you are and that you have hinged your entire framework for existence, survival and safety upon it means that you do not have many options that can peep out of the box you are in.








(for Dorothy)

That you are in TIME

That you can EXPERIENCE

That you can BE . . . anything

That you are in the present NOW

That you can DISCOVER

You are an extension of God on a journey into the Unknown.


2 Kinds of Chaos

I felt that it was necessary to expand a fraction regarding the nature of chaos. There are two kinds of chaos, and according to Lazaris, chaos can be dark or light.

The clue to both is that you do not want to remain in either for any length of time.

Dark chaos is a place where your nightmares of shame and abandonment, humiliation and rejection tumble about in an energetichub of pain, anger, disappointment, ugliness, rage, and hopelessness. To make any sense in this place, the human has to affirm a negative belief. Examples of these beliefs are as follows: I will never love again . . . / I will never trust again . . . / I will never open up again . . . / I will always be on guard . . . / I will always fall short . . . / I will never be good enough . . . / I will never matter . . .  etc.

The light chaos is a place where you experience the magic of receiving but this chaos can blind you. It is a feminine chaos and you have the choice to either go into the dark or the light chaos.

“Consciousness is changing and evolving. It is happening at a chemical, biological, electrochemical and electromagnetic level. Your brain is changing. It is only when you move to either light chaos – the breath of the goddess and freedom – or dark chaos [indeterminism] that change occurs.” – Laz.


Do this mental exercise!


Sit and close your eyes. 

Bring your awareness to your life no matter how long it has been.

As if you are standing on the sidelines, take a look with your inner vision, and look from your first breath to your present moment. Look casually at occurrences, moments, memories, happenings and experiences.

Now – register the following statement:

This is the sumtotal of my god.

My work in my vehicle (body) was to go into the Unknown and be a Map-Maker . . . a pioneer into consciousness.

I have read many books and learnt many wonderful things, but what have I become?

Of all those things that I have learnt, heard and read, to how many have I applied the aspects of Knowing?

How many teachings have I:

experienced in Time, in multitudinous moments of Now, by discovering a new way of Being?

And when you are completely honest with yourself, you will realise that although you have book knowledge and a lot of information, you may have become more than what you were, but you have many leaps and bounds to go.

When you embrace the idea that your god would pay attention to you the moment you begin to live in the moment, trusting and living as if you are on a grand adventure into consciousness, things will begin to take on new momentum. 

Learning is about new landscapes, and no one bypasses these lifetimes. New maps and lessons are brought into the earth system as each cycle comes and goes. New Avatars and Christs enter and exit and bring fresh teachings according to the current race cycle. It is no surprise that teachers bring in a unity of consciousness (a bridge consciousness) between all the religions and draw maps to a new world or cycle.

How can I bring about change?

Change is a state of mind. First, you have to want to change and then have the willingness to move through the discomfort of the transition between one state and the next.  But as creatures of habit and addiction, being between the old and the new can be difficult, especially if there had been ongoing chaos in your life.

What actually happens at the nexus of change?

I want you to take a look at the image below:


When we approach any junction in life, there is a choice. These choices are sometimes easy to spot because they appear as two different options. Sometimes, the choice is not that obvious and erupts as a decision between invisible tensions within us. They are choices between whether to trust or not, love or not and surrender or not. And at times, the junction is about giving wayto a state of opposites that need to be united. As humans, we hold many opposites open: me against them, I would and they wouldn’t, etc.. It is called separation, and these places need to heal. For this to happen, a destructive (holy) force enters into the junction and knocks the two opposing positions off their pedestals so that they can stand united. This healing occurs within the internal and external environment of every human. (See above image) 

When next you are in chaos, STOP for a moment. First, check in to see if you are in dark or light chaos,then check to see if you are at a junction of choice because sometimes you just need to choose not to be in chaos. Check to see if there is tension and what topic or relationship is holding it. Lastly, become aware of what you have let go of – something you aspire to. Now let go, and you will move out of the chaos and enter the unknown you. Do not try to approach the Unknown the same way that you would always have done it. That is not the Unknown – that is a comfort zone, and you are back safe and secure in your upside-down ego. The suggestion is not that you cannot feel confortable and secure, but rather that you are safe and secure in the knowledge that you are held no matter what your circumstances dictate. 


YOU can never BE powerless – only your Walter can convince you of that. If you listen to its voice, it can make you feel helpless and limited, powerless and trapped in a corner. The next time you feel that way,stand aside and observe how your Walter (altered ego) is feeling. Acknowledge that it is feeling that way, but only as an Observer. Then, mentally sit next to it and reassure it that it will be okay because it is not alone. You are there, you have a light-giant with you, and together, you will receive whatever you need to change and experience a different state of Being. When you can attain this ability – your Walter has become a positive ego and will not cause such a fuss any longer!

Testimonial 1

The Opticon 25: “

‘Like always I feel so excited after each session. I know my life changes. It is an amazing game (don’t have shoe laces you see 🤣)Love you guys so much. Life is wonderful ❤️‘ R.D.

Testimonial 4

“The Opticon 25: “Fantastic. Exactly what I needed to receive!.” M.V.

Testimonial 6

“The Opticon 25: “The Opticon was wonderful Jaylee. Profound teaching! “Discovery makes the unknown known.” That blew my mind. Can’t stop thinking about what that actually means.” R.C.

.” M.V.

Testimonial 2

“The Opticon 25: “WOW!……no other way to describe this Opticon ❤️❤️❤️” Na.De.

Testimonial 3

“The Opticon 25: “The teaching was quite… surprising and unexpected.” D.B.

Testimonial 5

“The Opticon 25: “I’m going to start a painting with no photo reference. Scary!.” S.N.

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