Opticon 33: Ascension – All Aboard

Discussion part A

by Jaylee Balch | Opticon 33a

Discussion part B

by Jaylee Balch | Opticon 33b

Discussion part C

by Jaylee Balch | Opticon 33c


by Paul G Balch | Opticon 33

“The money lenders are in the Temple!”
― John 2:13-16

The main ingredient in self-mastery is . . . energy management!

Why do we need to manage energy?

The bravery and courage, compassion and love, that comes with a journey into duality, is held in place by discipline, consciousness awareness and diligence. Most ancient scriptures have many warnings that pertain to keeping vigilant. Each participant is urged to protect and hold sacred their Soul connection, for with it all things are possible. Here are a few scriptures I sourced:

1 Peter 5:8-10
“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. . .”

Proverbs 4:23
“Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.”

1 Corinthians 10:12
“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.”

1 Corinthians 16:13
“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men (made in His image), be strong.”

Paul G Balch
“Managing energy builds your reserves, which allow you to traverse consciousness. The more energy you can direct, the further afield you can (go).”


A little bit of information – try see if you can access more from consciousness for yourself . . .


An ion is defined as an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more of its valence electrons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge. In other words, there is an imbalance in the number of protons (positively charged particles) and electrons (negatively charged particles) in a chemical species.

Cations are ions that carry a net positive charge because the number of protons in the species is greater than the number of electrons.

Anions are ions that carry a net negative charge. In anions, there are more electrons than protons.

Because they carry opposite electrical charges, cations and anions are attracted to each other. Cations repel other cations; anions repel other anions. Because of the attractions and repulsion between ions, they are reactive chemical species. Cations and anions readily form compounds with each other, particularly salts. Because ions are electrically charged, they are affected by magnetic fields. 



Following on from the ‘ions’ description above, take a look at these powerful words that can be utilised by both the negative and positive to create magnetic realities.






















Or what about these:

























So listen to the scripts being used and the power of the words that are magnetizing them . . .

SCRIPTURE: John 8:23
“And He was saying to them, “You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world.”


If it can be thought, heard, seen, witnessed, felt, smelt, touched or tasted . . . it exists. It either exists in the unmanifested or the manifested. In the manifested, it is at its densest vibration. At this vibration it can be experienced in its polarised versions of expression. 

In the unmanifested, it is acceptable or receivable by any mind willing to give it energy, and if enough is given, it manifests.

The opposite is also true. If it is neutralized (hits the Autobahn highway) it returns to the unmanifested, and remains as a potential, to be accessed where ever by whom ever.

“Our current life can be seen to be the vessel or cup and any other future or higher self, seen to be the liquid that pours in. Self-love and self-acceptance ensures that the cup is not cracked and leaking.” – Jaylee

Testimonial 1

“The Opticon 33: “Thank you for an amazing Opticon of sharing!! I particularly loved the visuals of the Light House & the Dark House vs the Autobahn stretching to other Kingdoms. It always seems to lead to Choice of where we focus our NRG, and what we allow to become ‘real’.

Thank you also for the reminder to proactively choose the scripts to energise & those to remain neutral & not accept! The importance of this understanding can never be shared enough, and your delivery was soo heartfelt & deep reaching! Very powerful… and still blowing me away somewhat.
Most grateful & humble 
Love Always, Michelle

Testimonial 5

“The Opticon 33: “

Thank you and thank you!
This opticon came at such a great time for me personally. I caught myself over the last 1-2 months thinking about how easy it would be to buy into the script and then came the wildfires, the devastation and the country’s polarization on top of everything…Some of the words you kept emphasizing like “participatory nature”, “hypnosis” and also the story about the Lama watching all and shifting…they really stuck in my mind and will help me a lot as a reminder and a tool to keep my focus.
And what a great gift the pathway is:)
Much love to you both and once again, I feel very grateful that my path has crossed yours. – Muge.

Testimonial 2

“The Opticon 33: “That was a wonderful Opticon Jaylee and Paul, thanks so much!  xox.” Heather C.

Testimonial 3

“The Opticon 33: “Thank you again for the gift of today’s Opticon. These sessions always give birth to new concepts and even more questions….I love it! I truly hope that you will continue doing them in the future. I always feel inspired and uplifted afterwards. Your teachings are the light and direction I seek. ” – With love always, Natalia

Testimonial 4

“The Opticon 33: “Thank you Jaylee for your amazing empowering stories this morning and as always, you are a master story teller that moves us and ignites or reignites our inner fire. And of course, thank you Paul as well for the wisdom and clarity that you provide. What a team!” xoxoxo Rebecca G.

Testimonial 5

“The Opticon 33: “Thank you!  It was a wonderful one, I loved your passion. 😊💜 – Jen

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