Advanced Metaphysical Hypnotherapy Training

Type: Professional Development

Prerequisites: Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist Certification.

New Launch: This is the first time that this program is being hosted.

Hosted once a year, the next opportunity to take part will be in 2022. A downloadable manual will be a part of the program and you access to each portion weekly, as you apply the hypnotic material between each Sunday session. Upon completion you will receive a certificate of Advanced Hypnosis Practices.


(6 consecutive Sundays) May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 + June 6 2021


$2999 discounted (ALL other external associated courses are marketed at $4500 – $10 000)

Early Bird:

$2700 – paid in full by 17th April. Payment plans available.

Minimum deposit:

$1000 by 17 April to confirm attendance.


7 am – 1:30 pm (Brisbane) 

5 pm – 11:30 pm (Ontario) 

3 pm – 9:30 pm (San Francisco)

Please email me should you have any questions. The material provided, will be copyrighted to Inpowered Living and will incorporate information and knowledge that is advanced in nature.



Topics covered include:

1)            Clinical Hypnosis Steps for Success – pre talk, prep, process, treatment plan.

2)            Convincers and Direct Suggestions

3)            Dealing with Emotions

4)            Specific Inductions:

   A – Dave Elman

   B – Affect Bridge

   C – Rapid Inductions

   D – Emotional Direct Induction

   E – Post Hypnotic Inductions

5)            Age Regression / Progression Therapy – Releasing the past emotional abuse and shame. Exploring the Initial and secondary sensitising events and healing them in one’s life. Informed  Parts  Child, Adolescent, Adult, Altered ego states Therapy – understand how to work with ego states and hypnotic healing

6)            Forgiveness Therapy – work with releasing the bondage with those of your past and the judgements you have placed upon yourself for past deeds.

7)            Parts Mediation Therapy – conflict resolution and integration between the different aspects of self

8)            Pain Management Therapy – work with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain and the impact it has on the mind and body.

9)            Past / other  lives Therapy – explore past and other lives to assist in making positive changes in the present life

10)          Life between lives Bardo-Soul connection – explore the death experience and beyond this life

11)          Biological computer DNA reprogramming / activation – work with updating and transforming DNA programming

12)          Transmigration Timeline Therapy – shifting to parallel timelines. Shifting Timelines

13)          Astro-hypno Therapy issues with ISE experimental exploration of using astrology with finding the initial causative events in one’s life to heal.

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