The SPLIT . . . and other extensions.
Peniel – (face of God ) ‘the name which Jacob gave to the place in which he had wrestled with God: “He called the name of the place face of El, for I have seen Elohim face to face.” ( Genesis 32:30
So how did this reality become so compromised and words (a gift of creation) become so sinister and manipulative?
It goes back to two sons . . . two sons of an ancient being perhaps from the stars themselves.
And if we were to follow the rabbit hole of the Moon what would we find? We would discover a plethora of rituals, seances, worship, stories, myths and beliefs. We would discover the trend of vampiric and wolverine (Lycan) stories and their relationship with her glowing luminosity. The vampires (traced to a species settled in Europe in dark ages before) but having an adverse reaction to anything solar, found life under her light. The werewolves, a complete antithesis to them, found solace in the sunlight and had an adverse and bestial reaction to her light. Such opposites contained in mythological stories and depictions and yet where there is smoke . . . there is fire. A thought that is uttered or depicted has its origins somewhere in the universe. They exist . . . perhaps right under our noses?
And was Sirius not formed as a gateway from another universe, or the Pleiades not from Sirius, and then Orion an extension of them?
So where do they come from?
Are these tales not based upon two brothers?
Perhaps two lineages or two stemming from a greater origin?
Do these two brothers not have the same Father but are different in nature?
Are the Nightcrawlers not traced back to Orion and the Daywalkers not traced back to Sirius?
Are they not eternal enemies and humanity not only a key, but caught up in their feudal relationship?
And what of their relationship with blood and humans?
Does it not come from a deep secret in the blood or the DNA? The Lama once shared with us that the DNA was the key!
The Rosciocrucians know that at the higher levels of understanding, a traveler becomes a ‘walking question mark.’
The Lama told us that understanding was the key – so ask questions . . . release them to the universe in anticipation of the answers that might liberate you! Do not be afraid of the questions . . . the Christ Gate disappears fear of any kind.
But back to the two brothers . . . did Cain not kill Abel, did Jacob not trick Esau, did Judas not betray Jesus?
From all accounts, the curse of Cain (after slaying his brother for being pure), began the divergence in reality. The title ‘Elohim’ (used by Jacob in above quote) is used in another manner altogether too. It is considered to be a homonym (Homonyms are words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings.) and the word Elohim singular deity becomes Elohim plural deity. Elohim is shortened to El (take a look around the world how many languages use it for instance Spanish and Hebrew . . .) and remember the video you watched last week on the Admiralty Effect.
The usual plural of el, meaning gods or magistrates, is used for the pantheon of Canaanite gods, the children of El . . . the family of El, the creator god and chief deity of the Canaanite pantheon. In Ugaritic, the Canaanite Baal cycle records 70 sons and each “son of god” was held to be the originating deity for a particular people. (KTU 2 1.4.VI.46).
Humanity was caught up in a number of monotheistic and polytheistic religions and these ideas are held as thoughtforms in the blood or DNA.
Why is there a statement that reads as this: ‘You shall have no other Gods before me.”? – Exodus 20:3
Surely this means polytheism existed at the same time or at least was beginning to emerge?
The reason we are exploring this is because of the confusion that runs vibrantly through every aspect of your being. Do Buddhists believe in a polytheistic divinity?
Was this an insert from another celestial race?
Perhaps a race of Gods or sons of Gods?
Do Hindus believe in a pantheon of Gods?
Do they have gods that are depicted as other colours (blue for instance) or formed differently?
Did the advent of Christ bring about a monotheistic religion once again? Other than the Hindu religion and a few others, although Zoroastrianism is not considered completely monotheisitic as it recognises other gods, it does seek to consolidate worship under one most powerful god, most modern religions are monotheistic.
Did an original Creator establish Earth as a Kingdom (Genesis chap 1) and then an invasion from another system introduced a pantheon (Genesis chap 2), and then at the advent of Christ, monotheism reintroduced?
Perhaps a clearer perspective is needed and a larger landscape?
Duality offers CHOICE. You not only get to choose between a tomato and a lettuce but you get to choose from 139 different kinds of tomatoes and 47 kinds of lettuces.
You can have one God or many gods that offer you comfort and power in their delineated areas of inheritance. You can have a wrathful deity or a loving deity, a saviour or a ruler – your choice.
Again – where are you going after enlightenment or awakening?
What if I were to tell you that the Sun is not the last stop, it was only a Gateway out of this Solar system?
What if I were to tell you that there are other universes other than this one and they can be accessed via Gateways (similar to the Christ one)?
What if I were to tell you that this Galaxy is a part of a cosmic playground of races, planets, systems and constellations?
What if I were to tell you that these Galaxies are organised by gods and the children of gods?
What if you were more than a small human will, in a feeble body, on a compromised planet?
At least as far as your DNA was concerned that is?
What if you were a universe waiting to happen?
What if your journey was about learning how to create a functioning and harmonious universe?
You would have to move through the Sun for that . . . and out on the other side would you not?
What if you were a fully actualised Spirit?
Why does this all matter?
Earth is a living being in a living solar system, in a living galaxy . . . and your current GPS coordinates place you somewhere upon her surface.
But she is not your origin . . . she is your last stop. Now, your GPS coordinates need to be set to take you towards your origin, but if you have no clue what to put in that GPS called your mind, then where would you go?
In this case, these are so many stops and places to visit and the GPS can take you all over the solar system to visit many Genii, or into other galalxies to visit many gods. You may become caught up in the layers of creation, the feudal systems, wars and species . . . all a creative landscape of a rather large game. The trick is to learn the right language and to spot the way out.
There are heavens of respite and realities of peace within all these landscapes, and the Greater Will can take you there.
“One who knows the transcendental nature of my appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains my external abode, OArjuna!” [Bhagavad Gita] This quotation is from Bhagavad- Gita, the Hymn of the Lord.
Which leads us to why you are walking through these corridors of thought . . . you are learning to encounter new streams of thought and expand your consciousness , whilst at the same time learn stablise your assemblage point or focus. You are learning to be anti-gravitational. An asteroid floats around in space until a planet collects it because of its gravitational field. The same way, your Soul may gravitate towards Venus because you have an inexhaustible need for love . . . with too little will. Venus has its own gravity field and its allure is generated by a god or genie. Mercury has a gravitational field and is pure will with less love . . . as per its god.
But if you wish to pass by them, you have to learn to balance Will and Love in your journey to the Sun.
This week look closer into the following statement:
Revelation 1:5 ” . . .and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood—”
a) firstborn of the dead? (He saw those that had not awakened as ‘dead’ – first to resurrect.)
b) ruler of the kings of the earth? (We know that the Australian Aboriginal folk have kings and queens) There is one in our current reality in N.A.
c) His blood? Again . . . the DNA!