journey to awakening

The Art Of Disintegration and Transmutation

The saying goes, ‘We make our own cake – and we must eat it.’ But what if we have to work ingredients that are given to us that make it impossible to follow the perfect recipe? What if the standard recipes don’t work and the ingredients are old and odd? What if we have to create our own recipe from scratch? It’s impossible!’ – Love from Walter


‘This was a brilliantly designed course from the scripts, to the assignments to the pacing. A surprise at every turn, keeping you on your toes. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who truly wanted to get at the heart of what is keeping them from moving forward.’

– M.J.P, Consulting Hypnotist, Educator

FREE WILL – the line between being asleep and being awake. The ability to make significant life changing choices. The ability to use this gift to take you where you want to be. It must be understood!

3 stages of transformation through knowledge

Stage One

– A three week integration of an audio Storyline or Landscape which travels the extent of the 9 week program (Jaylee speaks).

– Technical written and/or audio knowledge with images.

– Exersises and focuses (Paul speaks)

– 21 day Lucifer Pathway 01

– Delivery of Assignment 1 (to proceed to stage 2)

* Image sourced from Google

Stage Two

– Second three week integration of an audio Storyline or Landscape which continues to travel the extent of the 9 week program (Jaylee speaks).

– Technical written and/or audio knowledge with images.

– Exersises and focuses (Paul speaks)

– 21 day Lucifer Pathway 02

– Delivery of Assignment 2 (to proceed to stage 3)

* Image from Milton’s Paradise Lost

Stage Three

– Last three week integration of an audio Storyline or Landscape which culminates in the 9th week of the program (Jaylee speaks).

– Technical written and/or audio knowledge with images.

– Exersises and focuses (Paul speaks)

– 21 day Lucifer Pathway 03

– Delivery of Assignment 3 (to signify attainment)

* Image of Lucifer Hummingbird

What to Expect

  • An ongoing set of audios, spoken within a storyline, as a backdrop or landscape. They are hosted within SoundCloud privately and cannot be downloaded. (Internet required)
  • Definitions and landscapes of how the altered ego works and sabotages. technical information on its mechanisms. (Audio and/or text)
  • Active focus, with tasks and exersises
  • One Pathway for 21 days straight. This altered state journey is drawn from all the knowledge that has been brought into the program.
  • Downloadable Audios are available.

Details of Transforming Your Ego

This is a solitary journey and can begin at any moment that you click to sign up. You will have 9 weeks to move through the material in sequential order. You will do this at your own pace however, regardless of the time you spend immersed within this program, it closes promptly at 9 weeks.

No exceptions.

There are sequential Modules of learning and each focusses upon a different aspect or teaching class pertaining to the topic. There are exercises and Lucifer Pathways to work with at different intervals. There are only 3 Pathways spaced between 21 days each. At the end of each 21 day stage, an assignment will be requested. In order for you to move to the second stage, that assignment will need to be emailed in. Take as long as you like but the Course remains open for ONLY 9 weeks. When you receive the following stages, will depend entirely upon when you send in the assignment. If you forget and send it in days before the 9 week Course ends, you will have days to complete ALL the other modules and assignments. It is important that you stay focussed, be prompt with your responses and be aware.

This is a dynamic Course and will illuminate the maturity or lack thereof of each participating student.

Nothing in these Modules has the capacity to harm you but your focus can make the difference between an elegant journey and a not-so-elegant one.

Make sure that you have a solid focus on transmuting the aspects that you need to release to move upward in your spiritual growth.

If you have any desire to attain a spiritual aptitude, this work is the foundational block buster.

The Content

Take in a scenic view of the universal structure of re-incarnation and re-birth. Learn about why people are born in the circumstances that they are. Look down a microscope to see your altered ego for what it is and how it plays. Learn why you have one and what your alternatives are. Understand the reasons for why it is challenging to move the mountain so that you can soar. Gain persepctives on those around you, your beginning and your life to date. Look directly at the Lucifer part of yourself. Take a sneak peak at ‘the Beginning’ when it was the Sacred Garden. Learn what the ‘fall’ was and why you are the ‘fallen.’ Learn about Walter’s program, how it operates, why it operates and your options. Take a frank look in a mirror provided by someone else other than yourself!

And you KNOW that there is much more than can be written here…

Optional Payment Plans:

– 3 x payments, final one by 8th Module.

– First payment before Course begins

– PayPal invoice will be automatically sent

– Email notification of this option please.

Requirements: Admittance, Login Access, Computer, Audio and Printer, and Time.

 Necessity: Sense of humour and patience  -for yourself.

* All material is copyrighted by the laws of this world and other.

Pathways: To be listened to through SoundCloud or if you opt to purchase the audios, you will receive the download links.

You won’t be disappointed!

It is ONLY a click away

Nothing can reach spirit from the ego, and nothing can reach the ego from spirit.” – CIM
“Wrapped in a negative ego of, “I’d hate to admit it,” you are caught in a “catch-22’ reality.” – Lazaris
“A message it gives out is don’t trust be perfect, don’t succeed be a victim, don’t receive love be aloof, do and be as little as you can. Let other people do and be for you and then take credit that you did it for yourself.” – Lazaris
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