SONG OF THE SOUL© - Opticon 08
The content of any Opticon is the property of Jaylee Balch: Inpowered Living. The contents may not be shared, copied, uploaded, recorded or sold in any form whatsoever – without the express permission of the owner.

Discussion A
Discussion B
OPT 08 Q & A
“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.”
Fire cleanses, transforms and transmutes!
Destruction and creation are the two sides of one coin. Each is necessary for the existence of the other. While one sweeps clean and prepares the way, the other waits in the background for the path to be cleared.
The Straw Man or Straw Reality . . .
It is important that you bring your mind to a place of peace and trust – a trust that is centred within your own heart and sense of immaculate being – in a higher Source.
I will attempt to produce a list that may touch your life, and it is in no way meant to bring fear, panic, or chaos. Rather, it is meant to bring a wash of relief and a lightening of the burdens of life in this day and age.
The definition of STRAW (as described in the recordings)loosely describes those things, people, experiences, objects and environments that are constructed with short-lasting ideals, ideas, beliefs, attitudes and motives. Theseare thevery ideas that need to be surrendered, released, transformed and removed. I have drawn a depiction of what takes place below-:
Your idea of health and healing
Your idea of money and prosperity
Your idea of relationships (all kinds)
Your idea of love (romantic or otherwise)
Your idea of joy and creation
Your idea of who you are and what you are capable of
Your idea of safety and security
Your idea of religion and spirituality
Your idea of your purpose and destiny
Your idea of the past and the future
Your idea of this world and beyond this world
Your idea of humanity or being human
Your idea of freedom
Your idea of government and institutions
Your idea of feminity and masculinity
And the list is endless.
Why is the Straw idea being transformed?
I need to harness your imagination for a short moment!
Bring your mind to an aeroplane that has been parked for a long time under a tree and in tall grasses. It has been entrenched there for so long that the occupants not only don’t know that it has wheels, but they have no clue that it has wings! Everything about the aeroplane allows for safety, peace, security, cover and a relative life of contentment on earth as it is.
Now go further.Imagine a series of changes occurring on the face of that earth over a reasonable course of time. Up until this moment, the occupants (yourselves) did not know what was under their noses all along. They did not know that the aeroplane was simply waiting for the correct ‘time’ to light up, switch on and begin to prepare to take flight.
You can go further to imagine that the occupants (yourselves) would be understandably frightened at the change, upheaval and impending sense of the unknown. However, the fact that the occupants are already in the right type of vehicle speaks volumes! It means that the approaching future has already been taken care of . . . or taken into account.
What does this mean for me?
If you agree, accept or are open to the transformation that is being made available . . .
If you accept that fire will move through parts of your life and transform those parts until your old ideal is completely gone . . .
If you accept that you may not know what is happening, but you trust that place in your heart and your Higher Source . . .
. . . this will begin to work for you in wonderful ways. There is no guarantee that there will not be sorrow or heartache as you say goodbye to your favourite teddy bear, childhood friends, and anything that does not have the life force to sustain it any longer. But as the saying above goes – there will be sweet sunshine afterwards.
John 15:2
He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful.“
It is very important you realize what is being said to you.
The Straw Ideals or Ideas are being burnt and destroyed. Your idealistic projection of life, what it is truly for, your dreams, your purpose and destiny are all being scrutinized for their ‘life’ force. There is nothing physical about this scrutiny – but it will play out or manifest in physical reality.
Your heart will be searched, and light will shine into the aspects of YOU or your idea about YOU, and those aspects that do not have operational wings (aeroplane analogy) will fall away.
This you must accept and surrender to, for it is beyond the power of any human on earth. This will transform you so radically that you will be amazed you settled for the Straw Man version all your life.
Allow life and light to flow through all areas – providing as little resistance as possible. What you resist – persists! What you hold onto – drags you down. What you cling to – owns you. What you fear – is your master!

No need to download . . .
It has become necessary to assist you with integrating the material to illuminate your regions of Self. There is no need to download this Pathway – go through it for a whole week each day and pay attention to the imagery, especially to the parts that catch your attention energetically. Now – in your day to day life, where you can and when you remember, use that imagery to light up a challenge, calm your storm, settle your mind or receive understanding. You can accomplish this by simply flashing the image as a thought as you contemplate the moment. Hoarding Pathways is not getting you anywhere . . . you need to recognise the moments your brain lights up and the moments that trigger a reaction. These are important. Everything else is superfluous and meant for somebody else in the group. We may offer a full course meal, but all you may need is a pea – know yourself!
The same goes for reading material – what lights up is what you need to pay attention to. I give backgrounds and landscapes to help you understand more, but it is unnecessary to learn everything. Some things are not meant for now, either!
“Those who consider the unessential to be essential, and see the essential as unessential, don’t reach the essential, living in the field of the wrong intention.” – Buddha
Testimonial 1
“The Opticon 08: “This is such a must listen friends. Do give yourselves this gift.!” – M.V.
Testimonial 2
“The Opticon 08: “Soo completely relevant … felt like ‘fine tuning’ happening. Thank You. ” M.D.
Testimonial 3
“The Opticon 08: ” Great, really poignant Opticon for our soul in this world right now thank you again” N.D.