The content of any Opticon is the property of Jaylee Balch: Inpowered Living. The contents may not be shared, copied, uploaded, recorded or sold in any form whatsoever – without the express permission of the owner.

Discussion [RAW]
Discussion [CLEAN]
“Our greatness is not a greatness in and of its own. It is a greatness that is inherent within a formation made not by our own thought. It is has its true power within its true Source.” ―
The Rock!
[Sourced by M. Veenstra]
Disintergration versus Integration
It is quite natural to feel the tugs of chaos and the unsettling feelings that occur when a disintegration is taking place. It takes place at frequencies that are unseen and quite frankly have more impact than the physical does. There is never anything wrong when these moments or transitions take place . . . on the contrary the human is being ‘enlightened’ energetically so that they can ascend to a new idea of themselves. Integration takes place in the new frequency, where the assemblage point has stopped, where the new being has chosen to settle for a time. Integration is completed from above – not from below – it is not something that you, with your everyday thoughts, can possible grasp or bring together. It is a time of trust! There are many layers to the human that extend beyond themselves and these are harmoniously working together.
Condensation or Catalyst
The amalgamation of the new human incorporates a new focus, new attitude, a new sense of self, a new level of perception, a re-alignment of their bodies, meaning and ability to BE different.
That catalyst that forms that vessel that holds the Light – the new consciously empowered Light – has a greater capacity. With that greater capacity comes more and more of the unconscious to be a part of conscious awareness. Remember: The unconscious touches the superconscious! But it must be allowed to reach your consciousness and if that is loaded with filters, judgments and emotional baggage . . . it is severely limited. Most of what you – fringe-dwellers– conceive of in your everyday thoughts and awareness, is coming from your unconscious. You have given permission for it to reach you through your diligent work, your discipline and focus. Your ability to embrace those deeper aspects and powers, without putting up filters of immaturity and fear, should not be taken for granted!
That is why others that you know, will NOT be able to make the choices that you do. They only have the capacity to make choices from their restricted conscious awareness (unawakened) and you cannot expect them to do anything different! You take for granted what you know, what you have learnt and what choices you casually make.
Give a moment of gratitude that you have found yourself in this moment of conscious awareness.
Choice is a super power from the unconscious realm! Did you know that?
You can choose Spirit. You can choose freedom. You can choose Life. You can choose love. You can choose kindness and the list goes on. Many cannot make these choices for they are engulfed by legions of forces that own them, or they have abdicated choice and settled for mediocrity and they do not know that there is another avenue.

No need to download . . .
It has become necessary to assist you with integrating the material to illuminate your regions of Self. There is no need to download this Pathway – go through it for a whole week each day and pay attention to the imagery, especially to the parts that catch your attention energetically. Now – in your day to day life, where you can and when you remember, use that imagery to light up a challenge, calm your storm, settle your mind or receive understanding. You can accomplish this by simply flashing the image as a thought as you contemplate the moment. Hoarding Pathways is not getting you anywhere . . . you need to recognise the moments your brain lights up and the moments that trigger a reaction. These are important. Everything else is superfluous and meant for somebody else in the group. We may offer a full course meal, but all you may need is a pea – know yourself!
The same goes for reading material – what lights up is what you need to pay attention to. I give backgrounds and landscapes to help you understand more, but it is unnecessary to learn everything. Some things are not meant for now, either!
“No two things have been combined better than knowledge and patience.” ” – Prophet Muhammad
Testimonial 1
“The Opticon 13: “With the intensity of this time, Opticon 13 is right on target with guidance, focus, understanding – the tools to navigate the transforming landscapes. I really appreciate and need these touch stone talks and courses. I feel so much taking place and having the understanding is everything. Thank you!!” – M.V.
Testimonial 2
“The Opticon 13: “Absolutely amazing Opticon. I’m sure glad that my internet connection didn’t blink out too much ” D.B.
Testimonial 3
“The Opticon 13: ” Thanks for another great Opticon Jaylee… it’s uncanny how you can put into words what have been feeling this week… ” L.G.
Testimonial 4
“The Opticon 13: “Opticon 13 Unconscious Creation is Awesome!! To be able to better understand what’s unfolding in our reality, and how to proactively go within to transform dark hidden aspects of ourselves is priceless .” M.D.
Testimonial 5
“The Opticon 13: “The information, tools and delivery are GOLD! So pertinent to today’s world….so valuable for your life and spiritual growth. I am soooo grateful to have been a part of Sunday’s wisdom. Thank you again Jaylee and Paul .” N.D.