TCM Visual 1b
We look to ourselves as physical creatures bound to bone and blood, as a skeletal system and liquid matter. We see our world in terms of us being a soul captured, enraptured or imprisoned by a body of mortal design. But none of this is true.
The physical body is an illusion that we have come to accept as fact or real. It is a holographic projection or representation that we utilize to simulate experiences that we have themed or deemed to be important to our own personal growth and learning. We have never been a soul imprisoned in a body.
We have always been a soul accessing multi-dimensional timelines in order to gain information, knowledge and wisdom. We sign into this life each morning as if approaching the office where we play out a career, and we sign out each evening when we reach for the stars to return home again. Our individual journey from the day’s dawn to the twilight of the night sky, brings to us endless opportunities. But what are they and why?
Who are we in conjunction with other lifetimes that are clearly (or should be) influencing the current one? Why are we a conglomeration or a cluster of lives, in which we weave an endless story? And these other lives . . . where are they and are they only confined to similar stretches of the imagination? Or are they scattered amongst the stars and do they hold the secrets of our immortal selves?
We like to imagine that our satellite lives surround us in theme, era, space and time, but those are only comforting ideas through which we can associate some semblance of normal criteria. We have no way of knowing if our primary selves are on earth having an experience or on some distant planet or plane, and we are simply bi-located in consciousness to earth. We do not normally know because the interference of those wild imaginings can derail any design that the soul had for growth and expansion in an earthly body.
The earth body was designed for its capacity to withstand the earth environment and for its resilience to the earth’s forces. It would explain why so many extra-species would need to use it instead of their own – would it not? What form does an entity or being take when they merge with the astral or 4D matrix? Do they remain as a human being or is there some mystery that unfolds? These are all questions that come to mind when we have the courage to use our imagination.
But these mental musings are just that – tantalizing stimulants that trigger the curiosity and stir the soul. If the need to find out about ancient aliens is the exact trigger required to set a soul free, and expand its understanding in order to reduce the limitation of its experiences . . . then who can deny them?
Freedom or expansion can go so many ways (‘scuse the pun) because this world offers endless opportunities to explore. Love is an exploration, as is sex, relationships, family, trust, honesty, abundance, and of course all the opposite side effects too. The explorations within duality are endless until they are not enough. When the world idea (not the planet – although extensive travel can also cause a disinterest) becomes grossly overstated and lacks the appeal it once had; the earnest search for a new definition becomes a deeper need.
All that exists is an indescribably magnificent consciousness, in which we are all just ideas; we are avatars or characters in its mind in which it seeks to know and understand Itself. We are those avatars. We are God/Goddess/All That Is attempting to understand and know Itself. If we truly embrace the idea that we are just ideas, it is easy enough to expand our thoughts to our cluster of lives being a collective of ideas working in tandem.
A theme if you may.
But it takes an awakened mind to contemplate the idea of being a particular idea within a theme of ideas. Is this what our over soul or higher selves are to us? Are they the theme-creator or the overall theme idea? When a theme needs to be explored, it is cast out into different perspectives so that as many angles can be experienced regarding it.
Here is an example:
If the theme of ‘leopard’ is explored then the idea of:
– being the hunter
– being the hunted
– being the observer of the hunt
– being the one who got away
– being the one who was caught
– or being the one who was camouflaged
They are all ideas within the theme of ‘leopard’.
Which one are we?
Which perspective of the whole idea have we individually chosen to explore in this current lifetime?
What if we are the avatar that is hunted or the one who is hunting – what does that mean to us?
Which brings us to the even bigger picture – I remember the lama telling us one day that we were all a part of the same soul. Beyond our personal over-soul is an even higher one and it is managing numerous over-souls. Would that not mean that the over-over-soul has an even bigger theme that it is experiencing through its over-souls, who are experiencing through its physical incarnation avatars?
The aspects within our individually experienced life may seem overwhelmingly complicated, but the over-soul’s responsibility is far more complex. The over-soul is also just an idea of the GodMind casting itself into illusionary realities as avatars, to have experiences and to learn. Now does it not stand to reason that a part of your over-soul’s theme can be limitation? Is earth not the perfect place for this idea to play out?
Could the over-over-souls be acting upon a grander idea in the exploration of different perspectives of the idea of limitation? Would that not account for creation of a 3D plane of existence? What would the theme involve?
-the limitation of extremes
– the ideas of freedom versus imprisonment
– the ideas around free will
– the ideas around choice
– the ideas around poverty and plenty
. . . and the ideas are endless for souls to explore.
If we also add the ideas that the over-over-souls are not contained within this solar system alone, but are seeded in many galaxies and universes, would it not seem reasonable that your greater selves are spread throughout many avatars? Would it not seem logical that some perspectives of you (avatars) are not earthly humanoid or humanoid at all? This would lead to the plethora of ideas of aliens, extra-terrestrials within the sci-fi landscape?
Avatars live and exist on all dimensions of thought and just because we cannot see them or hear them with our 3D sensory organs, does not mean that they are not living full and interesting lives. The idea of 6D on Jupiter means one thing to us but means another thing to them.
Which brings me to the close of this piece . . . being separate is only a part of the illusion. But the higher we cast our minds in thought the more that illusion of separation dissipates and eventually we see through the eyes of our higher selves or over-soul. Therefore, having no judgment towards or about another individual is one of many keys in lifting individual awareness. Discernment is one thing but judgment is: a value assessment.
We are all aspects or avatars with unique perspectives that are operating under limited conditions of separation. Some are still unable to see past the illusion and some can see past it to the over-soul, and some can even reach the over-over-soul ideas of expansion.
And where – on earth – is home?